Facing the problems in the administration Tridarma colleges, as well as to meet the tutuntutan society and state, then held a general education programs. The purpose of public education in college are:
1. In an effort to help the development of personality of students to be able to act as members of the community and nation and religion.
2. To foster student sensitivity to the problems and social realities that arise in society Indonesia.
3. Provide basic knowledge to students so that they are able to think in an interdisciplinary manner, and able to understand the minds of the experts, science, and thus enable them to communicate
So the public education that focuses on efforts to develop the student's personality,
So the public education that focuses on efforts to develop the student's personality,
Basic Social Sciences
courses that aim to help shore up student skills in the discipline. so different from the educational expertise that aims to develop student expertise in the field or discipline.
Public education in universities and organized by intitut then known as the common basic subjects or MKDU yangterdiri of some courses, namely: 1) Religion 2) Citizenship, 3) Pancasila, 4) manliness, 5) IBD and 6) ISD.
Basic social science is one of the common basic subjects that are compulsory subjects are given in public and private universities. The purpose of this course is given solely as a business that is expected to provide supplies to students to be aware of problems - social problems that occur in the environment and can solve these problems by using basic social science approaches.
Basic social science is one of the common basic subjects that are compulsory subjects are given in public and private universities. The purpose of this course is given solely as a business that is expected to provide supplies to students to be aware of problems - social problems that occur in the environment and can solve these problems by using basic social science approaches.
In particular, the general basic courses aimed at producing citizens who graduate:
1. Pancasila spirit so that all decisions and actions reflect the practice of the values of Pancasila and have high personal integrity, who put the interests of humanity as a scholar of national and Indonesia.
2. Piety towards God Almighty, behave and act in accordance with the teachings of his religion and have tolerance for other faiths.
3. Have a comprehensive insight and an integral approach in addressing the problems of life both social, political, and defense and security.
4. Having insight about a broad cultural and social life together be able to participate and improve.
Basic Social Sciences
Quality, as well as its natural environment and jointly participate in its preservation.
ISD background given is the amount of criticism directed at our education system by a number of its scholars, especially graduate education, social and cultural. They thought we smelled colonial education system, and still is the legacy of the Dutch government education system, namely the continuation of politics ari reciprocation Theodhore recommended by Conrad van Deventer. This system aims to produce skilled workers to be "artisans" who fill their bureaucracy in the areas of administration, commerce, engineering and other expertise, with the purpose of exploitation of State assets.
Apparently many still felt that knowledgeable experts specialized expertise and deep, so narrow minded. Though the contribution of scientific thought and communication between disciplines is necessary in solving many social problems are so complex society.
Another thing, our education system into something that is "elite" for our own society, are less familiar with the environmental community, did not recognize the dimensions - another dimension beyond the discipline of Education ikeilmuannya.n tigngi as if a lot of ivory tower scholars generate "craftsman "unwilling and sensitive to the pulse of life, needs, and development of society.
Higher education is expected to produce graduates who have a set of knowledge consists of.
Another thing, our education system into something that is "elite" for our own society, are less familiar with the environmental community, did not recognize the dimensions - another dimension beyond the discipline of Education ikeilmuannya.n tigngi as if a lot of ivory tower scholars generate "craftsman "unwilling and sensitive to the pulse of life, needs, and development of society.
Higher education is expected to produce graduates who have a set of knowledge consists of.
1. Academic ability : the ability to communicate scientifically, whether oral or written, analytical equipment to master, and think logically, critically, skewering, and analytical, conceptual ability to identify and formulate problems, and is able to offer alternative solutions.
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